Sunday, May 13, 2007

Washington Coast Hike - May 6 - 11, 2007

Recently, the Adventure Education class spent six days (five nights) on the Washington coast. Over the course of the trip, each student walked a twenty-five mile stretch of rugged coastline. The highlight for me, personally, was barbecuing fresh muscles on a grill we found at Cedar Creek. As usual, students exceeded my expectations. Below you will find excerpts from students’ reflection essays:

The trip had many good times, but the best part would have to be bonding with people I wouldn’t usually spend time with. You got to know people so much better spending six days away from civilization challenging yourself into being hardcore. You got to see sides of people they wouldn’t usually show at school, whether that’s a good thing or bad is up to you. We all got closer in one way or another. It’s an experience that I gained from both friends and strength. The memories you can never forget. Now I have better friends and we have all seen each other not with a gallon of make up on and for who we really are not just who we act like at school. I think that’s what made us all like each other that much more and instead of being individuals on a mission we became a group full of friends; who helped each other accomplish things we wouldn’t normally do.
- Alexandra

I wanted to quit several times, but knew I had to keep going, because that was the way to the end. I learned to make the most of every situation, because everything that happened there was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
- Samantha

The most important thing that I learned on the Washington coast was that I can go a week without my good stuff. Things such as my Ipod, tv, computer, cell phone, warm and soft bed, working toilet and shower.
- Jasylyn

Just from going on the trip I am so much more hard core…
- Avery

I have never been backpacking before. I discovered that I love it. I really enjoyed being in the outdoors for so many days in a row. Even the rain didn’t bother me. I thought the hiking would be difficult but I enjoyed the challenge. I am planning to go on another hiking trip this summer. I also liked the research we did on the Washington coast prior to our trip. It made the trip more interesting to see all the places we had learned about. The hike to the Washington coast was the highlight of my school year. I think every student should have a chance to go on a trip like this.
- Ben

I’ll tell you from recently doing this grueling 25 miles, it was a life changing experience.
- Erin

I have never been on an adventure as special as this one. From eating fresh mussels and climbing high cliffs to exploring dark caves and going swimming this hike was one of the most amazing adventures I have ever been on. I wish that I could put how awesome the trip was in better words but that would be to hard so I recommend you go on the Washington coast hike because it is an adventure you surely wouldn’t forget.

I learned a lot on this trip, had a great time, and also had some challenges that were tough but I did fine in the end. That’s why I would call this one of the best experiences of my life. I’ll probably remember this trip forever and always be happy that I decided to sign up for the adventure education class.
- Dylan

The things that I learned was that I can live without a lot of stuff that I have at home for a week or more. I have to say I did not like going without a shower for a week and not having a bathroom but I would do it again.
- Jasmine

Cedar Creek was the nicest of all our campsites. On a hill in Cedar Creek there was a huge rope swing. Me and a few friends in our group decided to try it out. I sat there for about five minutes scared to death. Finally I just said ok 1-2-3! And I went soaring over the huge hill. It was so sweet.
- Robert

This trip is probably going to be the big highlight in the rest of my life.
- Aren

I became friends with people I never thought I would be friends with. I loved how everywhere I looked it was so incredibly beautiful! That is a trip I am never going to forget.
- Kaylea

The biggest thing I learned was not to care about how my hair was or how my make up looked. At the beginning of the hike I was scared that I was going to look bad, but something hit me in the middle of the trip and I thought to myself, we’re all out here for the same reason to get the hike experience and no one really cares about how you looked. I stopped worrying so much and I began to enjoy the scenery around me. That’s when I really started to feel like I was getting the most out of the hike. It has helped me at school a lot because I don’t worry as much about the way I look because I mean no one cares. They all look the same and its you they want, not your looks or the way your hair is.
- Leah

The best part was exploring…
- Nathan

The most important thing I learned on this trip would be a hard thing to say. I would have to say it would be how to live on my own if there were no houses, stores or mom or dad to take care of me. I will remember this trip forever.
- Evan

So where do I sign up for the next one?
- Tamara


Many thanks to Charlie Snelling, Rocco Gianni and Gena Kraha. The success of Adventure Education at LMS is due, in a large part, to knowledgeable leaders such as yourselves.


Nels Bergquist